ARS ANTIQUA ketch less and looked in the past? The approach of the question is incorrect. Aoramos nothing of the past because the past is unchangeable. Maybe we're trying to calm the insatisfaccin that we produce some features of contemporary art. In the narrative of art history, the viewer's nostalgic attitude that includes a work is not similar to that experienced when it comes to what is to reproduce an image of the past. Is not only in excited and feel the seduction that produces the work you want to translate, but must be prepared to deal with a investigacintcnica that allows us to approximate the final result more accurately model the possible. The execution becomes even more difficult to rely on models masterpieces coming many difficulties in its preparation. The work is catching on, step by step, a discipline. First, The preparation of support wood glue and plaster. Second, the surface coating bowl needed to place the gold leaf. Third, the accurate representation of the image being transferred. This last is more complicated. We must not forget that when the hand and eye are free and have no limit imposed on the model, there are different options. On the contrary, if the brush is bound to absolute precision in the flat space, they must overcome personal freedom and submit to knowledge previously acquired on the painting you want to perform. I can not emphasize the important role that gold light desempea to fill tables, away ASEL theme that represents the reality that surrounds us. This clearly introduces a spiritual plane. Mimic old tables is a strategy that goes into a difficult nostalgic technique and involves the waiver of any whim. By translating these images the past, looking to fill the void of powerlessness and nostalgia that makes me not able to create and perform if any, for the first time in this century. Mara Sorrows Nolasco